Announcement of the death of Dr John Walshe

It is with great regret and sadness that we announce the death of Dr John Walshe on Friday, 14th October, aged 102. He died peacefully at home after a short illness.
His name is synonymous with Wilson's disease, which he studied not just throughout his career, but throughout his life. No single physician can claim to have made a greater contribution to understanding the science underlying this condition, nor to have done more to identify more effec-tive therapies such as penicillamine and trientine, from which patients across the globe continue to benefit today.
But most notable was his close lifelong relationships with so many patients with WD and their families providing them with his deep experience and understanding. An outstanding and compassionate doctor, an exemplar to all in his profession. He will be greatly missed.
His family has nominated WDSG-UK, of which he was president, to be the beneficiary of donations made in his memory. If you would like to make a donation, please follow the link below or click on the QR code above.
Prof. Graeme Alexander
Make a donation in memory of Dr John Michael Walshe